How to remove oil stains from clothes

Oil stains are inevitable, especially for those who love to cook. They are one of the most common clothes stains and also the most awkward. As well as clothes, they also appear on dishcloths and aprons.

We can also associate oil stains with mechanics and cars, but we will dedicate an article to them where we will explain more on how to remove grease stains. In this article, we will focus on edible oil stains such as olive oil or coconut oil.

How to remove oil stains from clothes

How to remove oil stains from clothes

How to remove oil stains from clothes

It’s important to follow the washing instructions found on our garments. If we have a garment which can’t be put into the washing machine, the safest thing to do is to use Mr Jeff’s home delivery dry cleaning service

We at Mr Jeff take care of your laundry without you having to get up off the sofa. Through our app or website, you can select the garments you want us to wash and place your order. On the date at time of your choosing, one of our drivers will come to your home to pick up your clothes and take them to our washing centers. You will have them returned in 48 hours washed and ironed. It’s as simple as that and just a click away on your smartphone

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Tips and products for removing oil stains from clothes

When dealing with oil or grease stains, the most important thing to remember is that because oil is incompatible with water, we will only be able to remove it with powerful soaps and detergents which act against grease, or other types of products that absorb it.

1. Baby powder, water and soap

The first step is to remove excess oil with paper towel, pressing on the stain and never rubbing it.

After this, generously cover the stain with the baby powder. Let it rest for a few hours so that as much of the oil is absorbed. Remove it with a spatula or spoon. This will help us make it easier to remove the oil stains.

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Remove oil stains from clothes

The powder will help mitigate the stain and is very useful in emergencies when we can’t change our clothes. But in order to remove the stain completely, we must use soap and water.

When we have removed the powder, apply a drop of neutral soap in the stain. With the help of a wet toothbrush, rub the stain gently in circular movements. After foaming, we put the garment in the washing machine as normal and let it air dry. 

If we don’t have baby powder at home, cornstarch or salt can be used. Salt is especially recommended for velvet fabrics as it is easier to brush off than baby powder.

2. Washing up liquid to remove oil stains form clothes

There are times when the stain is not from clean oil eg., when frying food. More powerful products must be used i.e., washing up liquid.

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How to remove oil stains from clothes

We see how washing up liquid removes grease and oil every day. The same thing happens with our clothes. Its grease removing elements act in the same way but we must avoid overusing them, as their purpose is to clean dishes.

It’s not necessary to use large quantities but it will depend on the size of the stain. Apply a little bit on the stain with a few drops of water and a foam will appear immediately when rubbed with a toothbrush.

To help the oil stain disappear, put the garment in a bucket of water with half a glass of vinegar. This will help remove the stain and possible odors more effectively. After letting it stand for 15 minutes, wash it in the washing machine as normal.

How to remove oil stains from clothes

How to remove oil stains from clothes

In cases where there is difficult, large or dry stains which have been on the garment for a long time, it’s best to use commercial stain removers. Its chemical agents will help eliminate the stain better if it has adhered strongly to the fabric of our garment.

Repeat these processes if the stain is not eliminated.

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