How to clean a carpet at home

We at Mr Jeff are going to give you some basic tips on how to clean a carpet at home.

Carpets are something which give us the most problems when it comes to cleaning them, because they can’t be put into the washing machine and require a special wash or dry cleaning.

It’s important that we clean them regularly as they are a source of dust and dust mites, possibly causing allergies.

Although they may harbor dirt, carpets decorate our homes, a source of heat and soundproof spaces. If you don’t have one, you may be interested in this article about how to choose the most suitable one depending on the space, the perfect fabric and its use.

Carpets harbor dust, dirt from shoes, crumbs, pet hairs and many more particles which we can find on it. Let’s see how we can solve this issue.

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How to clean a carpet at home

If we’re having doubts about how to clean carpets, the first thing we should know is how to maintain it, and this is the vacuum cleaner. Most particles can be removed with a deep vacuum.

We must remember to vacuum both sides of the carpet, not just the top, as it will be a lot more effective.

How to clean a carpet at home

How to clean carpets at home

For specific stains such as spilled liquid or something which can’t be removed with the vacuum, the most effective solution is soap.

Among the range of products we can find in our homes (ammonia, stain remover, etc.), we at Mr Jeff can only recommend the use of soap and water.

The reason for this is that carpets are normally made with delicate fabric and materials, as well as being something we don’t wash regularly. We can find that the product we use is too harsh and spoils the carpets, or that the color fades.

In short, we can ruin the carpet. If you have a fresh stain on it, use water and the most neutral soap you can find in your home. If the stain isn’t removed, turn to a professional who knows how to wash carpets.

Grab a bucket with warm water, dissolve some soap and use a soft-bristled brush to rub the stain. Use a cloth to rinse it and absorb the remaining water. Tend to the stain as soon as possible because it will be harder to remove. This is the most effective technique for cleaning carpets at home. 

Another option is to follow the same steps but use some white vinegar instead of soap.

Not only do they get dirty, but carpets can also smell over time. It’s advisable (depending on its size) to hang it outside at least once a month after vacuuming it to air it out and eliminate any odors.

How to clean a carpet at home

How to clean a carpet at home

Clean a carpet at home or professional services?

In most cases we don’t know how to wash carpets and will turn to a professional to do a thorough clean.

We at Mr Jeff recommend our home delivery laundry and carpet cleaning services.  

We will pick up your carpet at your home and take it to our professional cleaning center. In just a minimum period of time we will return it to you completely clean. 

This avoids headaches and save you the awkward transportation of a heavy carpet to the dry cleaner, as well as save money.

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These are the steps we follow at Mr Jeff to wash carpets

  • Review of the carpet. We assess the product and note its condition: tears, stains and figure out the type of fabric in order to use the most appropriate treatment. 
  • Dusting. The carpet is cleaned of dust and any other material it may have.
  • Color test. We carry out an analysis to check if the carpet will fade.
  • Stain removal. Set-in stains are treated with specific products depending on the substance.
  • Cleaning with water and neutral soap. We then clean both sides of the carpet with soap to remove 100% of the dirt.
  • Clean up. To remove all soap and any other products that were used when cleaning it, the carpet is rinsed with treated water. 
  • Centrifuge. The carpet is rolled to remove all the water without damaging the fibers.
  • Drying. Using a high-quality dryer and in record time, we remove all moisture from the carpet.
  • Brushing. When the carpet is clean, we brush it to free it from hair.

If the carpet requires dry cleaning, perchloroethylene is used.

How often should carpets be washed?

We normally use carpets in winter as they are a source of heat and are quite decorative. For proper maintenance, we recommend a weekly vacuum and remove any stains with soap and water.

At the end of the cold season, it’s ideal to use Mr Jeff’s dry cleaning service to clean them thoroughly. When the carpet has been returned, it must be stored correctly so that it stays in good condition over the summer.

The correct way to store carpets

Keeping carpets is essential to keep it in good condition, prevent mites and avoiding getting it ruined when they aren’t being used. An old sheet is most effective:

  • Spread out the sheet on the floor and put the carpet on top. The sheet should protrude from the ends of the carpet.
  • Roll the carpet and the sheet together and tie the end of the sheet together.
  • Put the rolled up carpet in a large bag or inside some plastic to completely isolate, avoiding stains.
  • The carpet should be stored away from moisture. The most ideal place is in the attic. It must be stored horizontally to avoid it bending.

The correct cleaning and conservation of carpets is essential for them to last.

How to clean a carpet at home

How to clean a carpet at home

We hope that this advice will be useful in cleaning your carpet at home. If you can’t remove it, don’t hesitate to request Mr Jeff’s home delivery cleaning service.

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